
Oct. 11, 2024
Logbook page

If you’re as tightly wound as I am, you’ll appreciate a page where you can see at a glance everything your books have been doing.


Oct. 10, 2024
Open Library offline (which Open Library is a part of) is apparently under attack and is currently offline. I’ve added some extra error handling so at least it doesn’t crash the whole site when you search for a book now.

Oct. 8, 2024
Authors now in search results

When you search using the field at the top of the page, we now show any matching authors as well as any matching books in two different grouped results. Author links go to a page which displays all their books.

Aug. 29, 2024
Account registration is working again!

If you can read this, I guess you already know or don’t care 🤷

Aug. 29, 2024
View your collection offline!

We’ve got some limited offline functionality now. You won’t be able to add or edit books, but you should be able to see all your books in their various statuses even if you lose internet access. Pretty cool, right?

Aug. 13, 2024
Add reviews to readings

You can now add reviews directly to readings (along with a reading’s optional rating) instead of using notes.

Aug. 3, 2024
You can now add series of books to a collection
July 30, 2024
Pages with lots of books should be much faster now!
July 24, 2024
Genre(s) now displayed on book detail pages
July 16, 2024
Added this here changelog section
July 14, 2024
You can now add multiple genres to a book

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